The website of the
Black Country Society

Promoting interest in the past, present and future of our Black Country
The Blackcountryman
Notice to members of the Society.
The password for accessing back copies of the Blackcountryman was changed on August 1st 2022. Members for whom the Society hold email addresses have been informed of the new password. Any member who has not received the new password, may request it from the Membership Secretary using the appropriate form on the Contact page (link below) or by sending an email to societyblackcountry@gmail.com

The Society magazine is called 'The Blackcountryman'. It has been published for over 50 years and its content in features and articles
from a large number of contributors have become an outstanding and important archive about the people and industry of this area.
The magazine is printed quarterly. It is reproduced in full colour and containing Black Country related Features, Articles, Stories, Local Humour, Poetry and Historic Documents. It's contributors include professional authors, teachers, students and researchers as well as 'local people', who are invaluable contributors, with important and significant memories of times past and in many cases, with an "extraordinary tale to tell."
Each issue of the magazine contains a variety of topics. Where else would you find a mix of subject matter including Music Halls & Cinemas, Canals & Rivers, Women Nail Makers & Iron Masters, Coal Mines & Lords of the Manor, Early Car & Motorbike Manufacturers, Sporting Hero's & Famous Characters plus Historic Buildings & Trades. In addition, the magazine contains book reviews and also information related to the Walks, Talks & Events hosted by the 'Black Country Society'.
The Blackcountryman magazine is delivered free, as part of membership of the society and is also available for purchase by the public from selected local outlets. The latest edition can also be purchased, in electronic format, from the Society Shop
The buttons below can be used to access pages that contain a searchable contents list for all editions of the magazine and pdfs of all the issues of the magazine. The latter requires a password, which is supplied to all Society members.