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Appointment of a Membership Secretary


The Black Country Society wishes to appoint a new Membership Secretary. The Job Description is set out below. If you are interested intaking this further, please contact the Society Chairman, Dr Malcolm Dick at The holder of the post will receive a small annual honorarium.




The Membership Secretary: -

  • Is an officer of the Society reporting to committee and to the membership at the AGM.

  • Maintains and backs up the database of members, their essential details and subscription status, ensuring compliance with Data Protection laws.

  • Notifies members when their subscriptions are due/overdue by e-mail or post.

  • Sends invoices to a small number of member organisations each January.

  • Provides the Magazine editor with an up-to-date members database for passing on to the printers in edited form ready for posting out magazines.

  • Provide the Secretary and Virtual Heritage Group convenor with up to date email lists for the Bulletin and the VHG.

  • Corresponds as appropriate with members/potential members.



The Membership Secretary receives membership applications either through an online membership form (with payment direct to the Treasurer) or in paper form, forwarded by the Treasurer. The majority apply online, although some apply by sending in a membership form by post with a cheque. The application is processed by allocating a membership number and sending an email “Welcome Pack” consisting of letter, membership card, Data Protection information request and a pdf of the latest magazine. New member information is added to the database and comprises membership number, name, address, telephone number, e-mail, payment details and relevant dates. Data Protection preferences are added when received.



The Membership Secretary is responsible for sending out subscription–due requests to members. These coincide with the quarterly magazine, normally March, June, September and December. Members pay on the anniversary of the quarter in which they join, eg someone joining in the Summer quarter June, July, August will receive a request in the following June. Payment can be by bank transfer, standing order, PayPal through the web site (including debit / credit card option) or by cheque. Members with e-mail addresses are e-mailed and others are sent letters, either by post of by an online printing / posting service. The contact details of those organisations who pay by invoice are sent to the Treasurer in January each year.



Close liaison with the Treasurer and Webmaster is required to check whether or not subscriptions have been paid. Reminders are sent out a month after the original subscription notice. If nothing further is heard after another month, the membership is cancelled.



An address lists of fully paid-up members is sent to the magazine editor a month before publication date.   An up-to-date email list is sent to the Secretary and the Webmaster each month for circulation of the Bulletin and information about the Virtual Heritage Group.



  • The Membership Secretary will send pdf versions of the Blackcountryman to Overseas members each quarter.

  • Expenses incurred by the Membership Secretary are submitted to the Treasurer for payment (no fixed data - as needed).

  • Society equipment in the care of the Membership Secretary comprises Desktop Computer, Monitor, Keyboard and Printer. Also miscellaneous stationery.

  • The Membership Secretary has a dedicated and publicised e-mail address.

  • A short report is required for each committee meeting, and a somewhat longer report for the AGM.


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