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Black Country Society Walk to Penn Common on May 25th 2022


Once under the threat of the Victorian HS2, the green pastures which frame the Rev Stibbing Shaw’s Over Penn are currently at risk of the overcalculating developer! Never has there been a more urgent time to embrace what remains of what the author Elihu Bennet described as the “Green Borderland of the Black Country”. With history predating the Norman Conquest and associated with the iconic Lady Godiva amongst other great names, there is much to learn and still see today of the ancient village which became a noted resort of the Black Country’s gambling fraternity.

In this post we include a few photographs of the walk taken by Jack Price. If the webmaster receives any more they will be added!

Black Country Society members pose for a snap on the Sedgley Road, opposite Penn Common

St Bartholomew's Church, home to a cross of Lady Godiva's and resting place of Alfred Hickman

Penn's Almshouses, housing for the poor provided by the charity of Ann Sedgwick

Sunset over Penn Common

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